Combat Hapkido
Known in Korean as Chon-Tu Kwan Hapkido is an eclectic modern Hapkido system founded by John Pellegrini. Combat Hapkido is an extremely realistic and versatile discipline of self-protection that includes an extensive variety of strikes, kicks, joint locks, pressure points, ground survival and disarming techniques. The result is a practical, comprehensive Self Defense system that is enjoyable to learn and truly effective in realistic situations.
You will train to employ joint locks, pressure points, throws, hand strikes, and low-lying kicks, and either counter or preemptively strike an imminent attack to defend one-self. In common with many Hapkido styles, it also emphasizes small circular motion, non-resisting movements, and control of an opponent through force redirection and varied movement and practitioners seek to gain advantage through footwork, distraction striking and body positioning to employ leverage.
P-IMA is an authorized Charter school. Membership in the International Combat Hapkido Federation is required for rank advancement. In Combat Hapkido you will learn cane as a self-defense tool along with gun and knife disarms. There are no forms. This is a fun class for ages 14 and up.
It is well suited for adult men and women of all ages because physical strength and athletic abilities are not essential.
Combat Hapkido is 100% Self Defense. There are no forms (Kata)
Combat Hapkido kicks are directed to the lower part of the body
Combat Hapkido does not teach "acrobatic" kicks
Combat Hapkido employs break falls and throws in a very limited manner
Combat Hapkido has no hard blocks or stances
Combat Hapkido does not teach "traditional" weapons (sword, fan, etc.), We teach cane as a self defense tool along with gun and knife disarms.
Combat Hapkido teaches special firearms disarming techniques
Combat Hapkido, because it is flexible, dynamic and eclectic, continues to evolve
Combat Hapkido is not a sport and cannot be modified nor regulated to be one. There are no competitions, tournaments or championships
In 1990 Grandmaster Pellegrini officially named his style of Hapkido, "Combat Hapkido". The name clearly identifies it and sets it apart from other more traditional styles of Hapkido. It is also referred to as the "Science of Self Defense". In 1999 the Combat Hapkido System was officially recognized and accredited as a legitimate "Kwan" of HapKiDo by the WKF/KKA (Kido-Hae). The Korean name of Combat Hapkido is "Chon-Tu Kwan HapKiDo".
What Do I Wear?
The Combat Hapkido uniform is a comfortable loose fitting 2 piece outfit. It is very functional. The cotton material helps wick away moisture which helps keep the body cooler. The lapels are reinforced so that we can practice self-defense against opponents who grab our collars. A completely black uniform is worn for students under black belt. This can be purchased from P-IMA or any maker as long as it is in the style of a Karate uniform.
Sensei Padme is a 6th degree Senior Master Black Belt instructor in Combat Hapkido and cane instructor certified.
How Long Does It Take To Reach Black Belt?
The answer generally depends on the individual and how many hours per week they are able to consistently spend training and in practice. The typical healthy student (with no special physical or mental abilities) can achieve black belt in 4 years. The important thing to realize is that all students can achieve a "black belt attitude" towards personal development. This attitude can be achieved in a much shorter length of time.
How often should I train? At least 2x a week.
How much does it cost?
Affordable options for your budget. Upgrades are available for specialty classes such as kickboxing fitness, sparring, weapons, Karate and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. In order to receive rank, membership in ICHF is required.
Sign-up TODAY online or call 360-244-4322